Here Is The Way To Market Catfish Harvest Results

Tempting Catfish Harvest

You could say, catfish cultivation is a business that is potential and profitable to live. This business is quite easy to do because catfish are fish that are easy to care for and are not fussy. Moreover, when he saw the yield of catfish, which was so abundant. Usually, the thing that is often worried about is the pioneer of this business is marketing catfish. In fact, there are various ways that can be done to market it.

Catfish are often sold

From so many catfish, there are several types of super catfish that are often sold, including:

1. Sangkuriang Catfish

Sangkuriang catfish can be considered catfish as a superior variety of African catfish. This fish is produced from a cross between a dumbo type F2 female and a F6 dumbo male to produce a male species F2-6. Furthermore, this male species F2-6 is mated with F2 females which later produce sangkuriang catfish. Sangkuriang catfish has various advantages such as faster harvest time, capable of laying eggs with higher dripping power, more disease resistance, and superior meat quality.

2. Python Catfish

Python catfish are fish produced by mating female catfish from Thailand with African catfish F6. The results of the marriage will produce catfish with features, colors, to the shape of the head like a python. The characteristics of catfish phyton are humps behind the head, round tail, and longer mustache compared to African catfish in general. This fish has a faster growth time and a higher life level, is also resistant to various diseases.

3. Masamu Catfish

Your catfish has a different body shape compared to African catfish, sangkuriang, and python. This fish has a more oval head shape, almost like the old model of loafers. Your catfish has sharper fins. For the body itself is longer and black. This fish is also able to produce white or gray on his body if he is stressed.

Tips for Selling Catfish Cultivation

Here are some ways you can market catfish, including:

1. Become a market supplier

Catfish are not only sold by street vendors, but market traders also sell this type of fish. You can become a market trader supplier by offering affordable prices,

2. Manufacturers of food with catfish ingredients

In recent times, many foods originating from catfish have been processed into contemporary foods. You can find these food producers and offer to be their fish supplier,

3. Cooperating with collectors

Another way to market this fish is to collaborate with collectors. Unfortunately, usually the price given is cheaper than you being a supplier at a market trader or in a food manufacturer,

4. Selling to stalls

You can see around your house, are there stalls selling catfish dishes there. Offer catfish from your place at a more affordable price, besides providing special promotions such as promos between certain destinations,

5. Cooperate with supermarkets

Make no mistake, the catfish market is so widespread that it is even popular with all circles, so it is not impossible if you will become a fish supplier in a supermarket.

So, are you still hesitant to start this tempting business? You can try doing cultivation first while looking for a market to sell catfish yields.
